Easy Knitted Baby Top

I knitted this top for my baby girl who is 18 months old. It is a great pattern for beginner knitters who want to learn to knit in the round. This knits up quick in size 4 yarn with a few inches of ribbing in the beginning and then increasing to knit the skirt which is done completely in stockinette.

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Crochet Grey HexiCardi

This Pattern is for an Hexigon Style Cardigan, It can be done with any kind of yarn of your choise. The pattern makes two identical hexigons that are sewed in the back and sides.

This Patterns showes you a special trick for the sleeves to be narrow so they can fit perfectly to your arm.

You can use one, two or as many colors as you prefer to achive your special HexiCardi.

In the Pattern i provide 2 extra stitches ( you can incorporate if you want it to be more airy for Spring.



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